Friday Night Funkin' - Attack but everytime it's Selever turn a Different Skin Mod is used -

Friday Night Funkin’ – Attack but everytime it’s Selever turn a Different Skin Mod is used

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This bonus weeks song is called Attack and it comes from the V.S Selever 2.1 Mod. The Selever Mod is based of the character “Selever” from the deleted Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses in which you can play two new original songs. Attack is the third song of this mod which is basically the ballistic song of the mod with intense notes and beats. The song Attack is pretty fast with a few slow points but then gets repetitive near the end. Once again I still want people to know that I did use a bot to keep things well sync because I don’t intend on hiding that fact since I wanted to make this video as a fun viewing experience while delivering people exposure of new skin mods out there. Overall, a truly amazing mod to tackle again and in addition I was able to use a Rasazy reanimated skin mod that was recently updated. Not to mention I love the additional details given to some skin mods for the angry Selever assets.

Mods used in this video:
Main Website for these mods comes from GameBanana

Vs Selever 2.1


Selever Angry (Original)

Pibby Corrupted Selever

Selever Reanimated

Rasazy reanimated V3.0

Selever Remaster

Minus Selever V1

Minus Selever V2

Minus Selever V3

B-side Selever 2.0

HD Selever

Selever X-Ray

Selever but Bad

Selever Genderbend Edition

Selever Swap Edition

Corrupted Selever

Selever Human Version


Pibby BoyFriend


Boyfriend Reanimated (Zero)

GF Reanimated

Reanimated Boyfriend

Reanimated Girlfriend

Casual Boyfriend

Casual Girlfriend

BF & GF Remastered

Minus BF Skinpack

Minus Kaity over GF

Minus GF but Angry

B-Sides Rewritten

HD Boyfriend & Girlfriend

Rapper Kaity

Chris over GF

Boyfriend Swap

Soft GF Over GF

Corrupted Boyfriend With Claw

Corrupted GF

Tall Boyfriend over… Boyfriend

Girlfriend is Taller

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