Friday Night Funkin' but Girlfriend Nearly Died... -

Friday Night Funkin’ but Girlfriend Nearly Died…

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Friday Night Funkin’ but Girlfriend Nearly Died… The Friday Night Funkin’ Mod “V.S. AGOTI Full Week” has Girlfriend hang on for dear life, while Boyfriend fights to get them out of the Void while facing the banished artist and musician “A.G.O.T.I”. Because of Agoti’s talent, Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest cast him into his own “special prison”! Along with “literally every fnf mod ever (Vs Bob Week)” which is a huge parody of past FNF Mods, we have new updated story mode custom songs, custom full weeks, and whole new cutscenes in these amazing Friday night Funkin’ mods… but don’t forget, DON’T make Bob mad…

With the updated Friday Night Funkin’ Week 7 the team behind the game (ninja_muffin99, Phantom Arcade, kawaisprite and evilsk8r) have launched their kickstarter for the “Friday Night Funkin’ Full Game”! So if you want to back the project, support the release here –

Our FNF Week 7 Tankman playthrough and reaction –
our FNF playlist (past and future videos) –
Game here (or play it on Newgrounds) –

FNF Mods used (GameBanana):
(custom weeks and songs)
literally every fnf mod ever (Vs Bob Week) –
V.S. AGOTI Full Week –

Social Media to Follow:
Subscribe to YouTube Channel Mairusu –
Twitter @MairusuP –

The Mairusu YouTube Channel is about Gameplay/ Gaming, Let’s Plays / Playthroughs, and Reactions. Sometimes the odd Animation video might happen too!
Please leave a comment or message, as I’m always replying as much I can.

#fridaynightfunkin #fnf #mairusu