Friday Night Funkin' - Casanova but everytime it's Selever turn a Different Skin Mod is used -

Friday Night Funkin’ – Casanova but everytime it’s Selever turn a Different Skin Mod is used

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This bonus weeks song is called Casanova and it comes from the V.S Selever 2.1 Mod. The Selever Mod is based of the character “Selever” from the deleted Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses in which you can play two new original songs along with the old ones. Casanova is Selever first and original song before the V.S Selever 2.1 came to be. It was released as a April Fools type of song but instantly became a hit in the FNF community. Once again I still want people to know that I did use a bot to keep things well sync because I don’t intend on hiding that fact since I wanted to make this video as a fun viewing experience while delivering people exposure of new skin mods out there. Overall, I couldn’t think of a better song then Casanova to show off on an April Fools day.

Mods used in this video:
Main Website for these mods comes from GameBanana

Vs Selever 2.1


VS Selever (Original)

Pibby Selever

Mid-Fight Masses the gender inversion

HD Selever



Mid Fight Masses Genderbend Edition

Mid-Fight Remaster


MFM but human (Remake)

Minus V1

Reanimated Mid-Fight-Masses in my style

VS Selever 2.1 HD

Minus Selever V2

Minus Selever V3

Sarvente’s Mid Fight Masses Minus SELEVER MINUS UPDATE (Background)

Mid-Fight-Masses But BAD

Mid-Fight Masses Swap Mod


Meltical Style BF

Meltical Style GF

Minus BF Skinpack

Minus gf Better

Minus Kaity over gf

BF & GF Remastered

Boyfriend Reanimated by Zero

Z3mp Boyfriend Hotline

Z3mp GF

Tall Boyfriend

Girlfriend is Taller

Playable Pibby Boyfriend


Rapper Kaity

Chris over GF

Gf and Bf swap (beta)

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