Friday Night Funkin’ Custom Song Showcase: Modamepon Jam
Newgrounds Version:
Itch.io version:
Come join the Official FNF Modding Community: discord.gg/5gsgUa3wX8
Man, that song editor is amazing! It is a bit annoying that the cursor is invisible, but ya know what they say: When life gives you pain, you make pancakes. Tutorial video soon!
This song is from the PSP Rhythm game: Patapon! It was one of my favorite games growing up and still stands out as the best Rhythm-RPG out there. I think next I will try to tab out a Parappa the Rappa song…
If there’s a particular song that you guys want me to make (or showcase here), let me know in the comments below!
Alrighty, here’s those socials (and links to some crap I made):
Twitter-Thing –
Twitch-Thing –
Music-Malarky –
Newgrounds-Nuisance –
#FridayNightFunkin #FridayNightFunkinModShowcase