Friday Night Funkin' - Cycles but everytime it's Lord X turn a Different Skin Mod is used -

Friday Night Funkin’ – Cycles but everytime it’s Lord X turn a Different Skin Mod is used

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This bonus weeks song is called Cycles from the V.S Sonic.EXE Update 2 Mod. This mod was inspired by a sonic horror creepypasta made in the 1991 which became popular during 2012. The Sonic.EXE Mod received an update that added a lot of new songs into it which also includes Cycles which is execution but redone. This song uses a new reanimated Lord X skin mod and a rework of the execution song from the previous Sonic.EXE mod. Cycles sounds very similar to execution but it’s less slow with a faster beat. Once again I still want people to know that I did use a bot to keep things well sync because I don’t intend on hiding that fact since I wanted to make this video as a fun viewing experience while delivering people exposure of new skin mods out there. Overall, a great rework in opinion given the fact we all were introduced to Lord X before so this was a step up. I love how the new up arrow of Lord X shows a bone holding a mic which adds on the creepy atmosphere of the setting.

Mods used in this video:
Main Website for these mods comes from GameBanana

Vs. Sonic.Exe (UPDATE 2 OUT)


Sonic Exe Redesign

Lord X 16-Bits

Sonic.exe Minus Hottler Version

Sonic.EXE SlayBells Fanmade

Vs Sonic.Exe The Alternate Ending 2.5

VS Minus Sonic.exe V2

Minus Sonic.EXE (Endah’s Version)

Sonic.EXE but bad

BeatSwitchSides Sonic.EXE

HD Sonic.EXE

High Effort Sonic.exe 2.0



Minus Boyfriend Skinpack

Beatstreet Boyfriend

HD Boyfriend

Playable Genesis BF

Reanimated Boyfriend

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