Friday Night Funkin' Darnell vs Pico w/ Nene | Pico's School Gang (FNF Mod/Fake Week 8 Leak Fanmade) -

Friday Night Funkin’ Darnell vs Pico w/ Nene | Pico’s School Gang (FNF Mod/Fake Week 8 Leak Fanmade)

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Friday Night Funkin’ Darnell vs Pico for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD + Nene sitting on the speakers with her epic leg swing. The Pico’s School gang finally reunites even if it’s just in an fnf mod.
AlchoholicDj Mod Submitter on GB:

Some random person posted these songs on /funkg/ and said they were FNF week 8 song leaks, but it’s most likely fake. It would have been more convincing if these songs were leaked right before PhantomArcade teased the FNF week 8 update/side content. Fake or not these songs still got modded to be playable and even if Darnell ends up becoming a real thing in the update I still want to see him in Friday Night Shootin’ for week 4.

I’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS Darnell songs. He has 3 songs available in this fanmade mod, no cutscenes, and 1 week.

VS Darnell (Week 8 Leak Fan-made release) mod download:

Game Note by AlchoholicDj: This mod includes 3 songs, all from a 4chan fan-made “leak” for Darnell for the upcoming week 8. (We still did credit the musician and artist if the leak is real, which with how many mistakes are shown. It REEKS doubt for it being true) But because we liked how much the faker Darnell is, we decided as a team to use the assets that were provided to us and make a Friday Night Funkin’ mod out of it. In like 5 hours of just pure work.

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Darnell Mod Timestamp
00:00 Animation / Song Preview
00:12 Fake Week 8 leak info
00:24 Fake Week 8 | Song List
00:29 Darnell Song (Pico vs Darnell)
02:23 Lit Up Song (Pico vs Darnell)
04:20 2Hot Song (Pico vs Darnell)
06:24 Credits
06:36 Game Over Animation / Theme
06:55 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Darnell FNF below
VS Darnell FULL WEEK (& Nene On speakers) Mod Download link:

AlchoholicDj – Animator & Charter:

Teethlust – Background Artist:

BrightFyre – Coder:

Salterin0 – Thumbnail Artist:


PhantomArcade – Sprites:

KawaiSprite – Music:

Shadow Mario – Psych Engine:

Get the game and support the creators of the game:

Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:

Friday Night Funkin’ – WEEK 7 All Tankman Game Over:

Friday Night Funkin’ – Pico’s School Edition Mod:

Friday Night Funkin’ – VS Sketchy Remastered:

FNF Daddy Dearest & Mommy Get Divorce Week 1:

Friday Night Funkin’ Corrupted Night FULL WEEK DEMO | VS Tankman:

Friday Night Funkin’ but Boyfriend Dies | Goodbye World + Cutscenes

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