Friday Night Funkin' - Defeat but everytime it's Black Impostor turn a Different Skin Mod is used -

Friday Night Funkin’ – Defeat but everytime it’s Black Impostor turn a Different Skin Mod is used

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This bonus weeks song is called Defeat and it comes from the VS Impostor V4 Mod aka Among Us FNF Mod. Recently the mod had a large update expansion which includes sixty songs and additional small features like playable Among Us mini characters. The skin mods I used are a combination of V4 and V3 skin mods given it would be just a waste to abandon them. This version of Defeat has a unique remix and voice combined with many new events. Once again I still want people to know that I did use a bot to keep things well sync because I don’t intend on hiding that fact since I wanted to make this video as a fun viewing experience while delivering people exposure of new skin mods out there. Overall, V4 Defeat sounds similar to V3 but the execution is far better with well polished sprites.

Mods used in this video:
Main Website for these mods comes from GameBanana



VS Impostor Clay

VS Imposter-HD Remastered

Vs Imposter but they are Human

Smol Black imposter

VS Impostor Remastered


vs impostor in 3D FanMade

Vs Impostor in 3D

VS Impostor V4 (FANMADE) (Drip/Mix)

Vs Impostor Lite Story Mode

Among Us: Skeld Symphony

Wednesday’s Infidelity (Black Impostor)

Vs. impostor V4 fanmade Black v2

ULTIMATE DEFEAT V2 defeat high effort

Mini Black Impostor
(In Game)

Nightmare Skins Collection

Vs B-Black Mod Demo


Meltical Style BF

BF Reanimated! (Rix Edition)

Among Us BF
(In Game)

Salt’s Oddly Stylized BF Skin

a BF skin

3D Boyfriend Reskin (Daizo Stylized)

Smooth 3D

Impostor Boyfriend!

Drip Boyfriend

VS Impostor MCBF Skin Pack

Wednesday Infidelity BF

Impostor MCBF Skin Pack

Tall Boyfriend over Boyfriend!

Nightmare BF

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