Friday Night Funkin' Undertale 2.0 VS Toriel & Flowey FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Mod) (Open World) -

Friday Night Funkin’ Undertale 2.0 VS Toriel & Flowey FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Mod) (Open World)

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Friday Night Funkin’ Undertale 2.0 VS Toriel & Flowey (FULL WEEK) + Cutscenes for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time the FNF Undertale open world gets a 2.0 update.
BoxOfRocksBro created this amazing undertale mod:

VS FNF Undertale 2.0 – Ruins Update Mod Download link:

Girlfriend/GF, Chara, Frisk, Asriel, Sans, and Papyrus don’t make an appearance, but Toriel, Flowey, Blooky Blook Ghost, Froggit, and Whimsu do appear. In this story Boyfriend enters Undertale the same way Frisk did and is guided by Toriel throughout the whole game. We’ll be playing it on very hard/harder mode for all VS FNF Undertale 2.0 songs. FNF Undertale 2.0 has 9 songs available in this mod, epic cutscenes, and 1 week along with a game over scene and 3 endings. (Genocide Ending, Neutral Ending & Pacifist Ending aka True Ending).

Game Note: Introducing FNF Undertale! An open-world FNF game, one of the first of its kind!
Explore the world to find bosses and hidden areas! Challenge foes from the hit game Undertale and experience mechanics and challenges you’ve never experienced! The game is currently in Beta, so some features are not included in the first build of the game.

Jakei and NyxTheShield: FNF Xtale was a huge inspiration. Some assets may be used from FNF Xtale. DM Dokuro: Makes awesome music! Some music from the mod is from DM Dokuro. Here is his youtube channel! DM DOKURO – YouTube:

The 3 songs below aren’t included in the mod, but maybe it’ll be added in the future.
Asriel – Hopes and Dreams and Save the world
Omega Flowey – Your Worst Nightmare and Finale
Sans – a Fan-made theme and Megalovania

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Toriel & Flowey Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation Preview
00:30 Message (Which Undertale Mod This Is)
00:37 FNF Undertale Opening
01:30 Open World Menu
01:40 Overworld 1
01:53 Cutscenes 1
02:26 Cutscenes 2
03:01 Howdy Song (Vs Flowery)
04:28 Cutscenes 3
04:41 Tutoriel Song (VS Toriel)
06:09 Overworld 2
06:48 Cutscenes 3
07:03 Cutscenes 4 (Genocide Route)
07:14 Dummy Song
08:56 Fight 1
09:05 Secret
09:18 Cutscenes 5
09:39 My Child Song (VS Derp Toriel)
12:53 Overworld 3
13:11 Cutscenes 6
13:16 Ruins1 Song (Practice)
15:23 Overworld 4
15:41 Puzzle 1
16:02 Cutscenes 7
16:33 Cutscenes 8
16:43 Spooky Shuffle Song (VS Blooky Blook)
18:49 Fight 2
19:10 Whimsum
19:25 Puzzle 2
19:42 Puzzle 3
20:14 Whimsum Song
21:38 Fight 3
22:04 Froggit Song
23:24 Fight 4
23:30 Overworld 5
23:36 Cutscenes 9
24:08 Entering Toriel House
25:16 Cutscenes 10
25:39 Soul Break Song (VS Toriel)
28:36 Genocide Route Ending
29:55 Neutral Ending
30:35 Pacifist Route – Sparing Everyone
31:45 Heartache Song (VS Toriel)
34:45 Pacifist Ending (Both options give the same dialogue)
35:50 Ignore that little error, Ill trim it out
36:01 Credits
36:53 Freeplay | All Songs
37:06 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS FNF Undertale 2.0 below
VS FNF Undertale 2.0 FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:

BoxOfRocks – Coder, Music Producer:

lightywighty – Artist:

Egg Overlord – Artist:

EEF – Artist/Animator:

NyxTheShield – Inspiration (Check out his The X Event/Xtale Mod!):

Jael Penazola – Inspiration:

Toby Fox – Created Undertale:

DM DOKURO – Music for Sans, Asriel, and half of Flowey:

Get the game and support the creators of the game:

Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:

Friday Night Funkin’ – WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:

Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Dusttale Remastered Undertale GENOCIDE/PACIFIST:

FNF VS Boss Rush FULL WEEK 1 (Majin Sonic, Eteled, Dust Sans):

FNF VS Papyrus FULL WEEK + Cutscenes & Sans (FNF Mod) (Undertale/Triple Trouble)

FNF VS Indie Cross V1 FULL WEEK + Cutscenes & Ending (Cuphead Sans Bendy

Friday Night Funkin’ VS VHS Sans FULL Week + Cutscenes, Phase 3:

FNF VS Sans | Underpants – Genocide Ending (FNF Mod) (Sr Pelo’s Undertale AU)

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2022)
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