Friday Night Funkin’ VS Dorkly Sonic For Hire V1 FULL WEEK | Funkin’ for Hire (FNF Mod/Tails/Mario)
lostinstruments – Mod Creator:
LowBrow Studios – Sonic For Hire New Episodes:
This mod is based on Dorkly’s animations about his series. In this mod, we have Dorkly Sonic battling a bunch of characters like Mario, Tails, BF, Earthworm Jim, and Mother Brain. Don’t ask why Sonic.exe didn’t appear cause remember the Sonic For Hire / Dorkly Sonic All Swagged Up was fanmade and was never an official update to Dorkly Sonic. Once again Girlfriend isn’t here, but Boyfriend does battle sonic and even brings his D-Side outfit to battle against D-Side Mighty.
Sonic The Hedgehog is the protagonist of Sonic The Hedgehog. He is Doctor Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik’s archrival. He is Tails’ friend and Robotnik’s enemy, but also battled Metal Sonic in the past in Meet Metal Sonic. He appears regularly In Dorkly’s animations about his series.
VS Dorkly Sonic: Funkin’ for Hire Mod Download:
Game Note by lostinstruments: The update for the initial “Vs. Dorkly Sonic” mod is finally here!! Now a full on Sonic for Hire mod! The mod contains 8 songs in total, 2 weeks and 2 freeplay songs. I hope you enjoy this mod, I know this took quite a while for a little update but either way I’m very happy to be able to release the mod and show it to yall!! Make sure you check out LowBrow Studios as well as they’re starting to release the latest season of Sonic for hire!!!
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Dorkly Sonic V1 Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:19 Little Information
00:26 Title Screen
00:37 Menu
00:43 All Week List / Cool Arts
00:52 1) For Hire Song (Dorkly Sonic vs BF Reanimated)
01:22 Best Part
02:38 2) Bet on Tails Song (Dorkly Tails vs BF)
04:32 3) Dumb Song (Dorkly Tails vs Dorkly Sonic)
06:02 BF is uncomfortable
06:41 BF had enough
06:51 4) Kerosentinis Song (Mother Brain vs Dorkly Sonic)
07:54 Memories
08:14 Pink Stuff
09:08 5) Suit Napped (Earthworm Jim vs Dorkly Sonic)
11:12 6) Sonuva (Dorkly Mario vs Dorkly Sonic)
11:32 Mario obtains a weapon
13:16 Sonic Pushes Mario
13:39 For Fame Song (D-sides Dorkly Mighty vs D-Sides BF)
14:55 Best Part
16:21 Familiar Face Song
18:38 Credit
18:49 All Misses and Game Over Screens
19:14 Outro -CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Dorkly Sonic below:
Dorkly Sonic Full Week (+ Mid Cutscenes) Download:
lostinstruments – Creator/Composer/Charter/Artist/Animator for Dorkly mod:
Vania – Composer for Suit-Napped:
MochaDraws – Charter/Animator/Artist:
LittleGeecko – Artist/Animator:
ontariiku – Artist/Animator:
EllisBros – Artist/BG Artist:
jOnline – Artist/Animator:
GhostBunBun – Promo/Menu Artist:
Lowbrow Studio – Creators of Sonic for Hire:
The Spriters Resource – Miscellaneous sprites:
Tales499 – Spritesheets for Sonic and other characters:
Sega- Owns the og Sonic:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2022)
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