Friday Night Funkin’ VS Hypno’s Lullaby FULL WEEK (FNF Mod) (Pokemon Lost Silver/MissingNo/Horror)
Banbuds – Main creator:
Left side = HARD | Right side = HELL Mode (for when you get to the comparison)
Game Note by Banbuds: Happy Halloween everyone! Boyfriend is missing late at night, GF is worried about him and went looking for him by herself. She then encounters a strange figure next to a bloody path leading into the woods, there’s also a weird-looking building that she’s never seen before. I’m sure the stranger is a nice guy and has nothing ominous in mind, she’s not the only one going through some trouble though.
“Safety Lullaby” was heavily based on the Hypno’s Lullaby Creepypasta song made
by TrainerDerek:
Pendelum Mechanic:
Press Spacebar with each time the Pendelum is at its lowest point to keep up with Hypno,
otherwise, GF will face being hypnotized
Make sure to study the Unown language a bit, as you’ll need to spell out whatever they’re telling you! There is also a hidden song within the game, accessed by a certain mechanism
In the main menu, you gotta do the same thing players did next to cinnabar islands gym in red and blue to encounter a certain someone. After you hear a noise, you’ll have to click on the number 0
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Hypno’s Lullaby Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation Preview
00:32 Warning
00:38 Hypno’s Lullaby Intro
00:51 Menu
01:00 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
01:28 Safety Lullaby Song 1 (Hypno vs Girlfriend)
04:00 Left Unchecked Song 2 (Hypno vs GF)
06:55 What if you say no? (Hello Player, want a free videogame?)
07:16 What if you say yes?
07:32 Study the chart
07:40 Monochrome Song 3 (Lost Silver vs BF)
10:14 How to rap battle MissingNo
10:35 Missingno Song 4 (MissingNo vs Boyfriend) (Hell Mode)
13:35 Activate Hell Mode
13:42 Side by Side Comparison
17:51 All Game Over Animation
18:52 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Friday Night Funkin Lullaby Mod below
VS Friday Night Funkin Lullaby Mod FULL WEEK (+ Cutscenes) Mod Download link:
Banbuds – Director, Artist, Animator, Voice Acting:
ash237 – Programmer:
Yoshubs – Programmer:
Adam McHummus – Composer:
TheInnuendo – Composer:
Nimbus Cumulus – Composer:
Uncle Joel – Artist, Animator:
chillinraptor – Artist BG:
ScorchVx – Artist:
SandPlanet – Charter:
Fidy50 – Charter:
typic – Artist, Animator:
Mr_NoL – Vocal Edits:
BonesTheSkelebunny01 – Artist:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #Creepypasta #Vspokemon #Slenderman #FnF #CommunityGame