Friday Night Funkin’ VS Pico, Nene, and Darnell | Project Shootout Song (FNF Mod/Pico’s School Gang)
WIZORD – Composer:
waldo283 – Mod Creator:
PIKOO – Sprite Animator and Artist:
Phantom Arcade – Artstyle:
The Pico’s School gang reunites again in another fnf mod. This mod has BF going up against the Pico’s School Gang (Pico, Darnell, and Nene). It’s using Phantom Arcade’s official art style, but the modder gave Nene her own facial expression. Everyone already knows about the sprites and it’s not a secret anymore, ever since the fnf update week 8 got leaked, Phantom Arcade now streams himself working on his art live on twitch in front of everyone.
(REMINDER: This song came before the fnf update trailer and leaks)
I’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS Project Shootout songs. Mod only has 1 song available in this fanmade mod, no cutscenes, and 1 week.
VS Pico, Nene, and Darnell | Project Shootout mod download:
Game Note by waldo283: Project Shootout is one of my biggest Friday Night Funkin’ Projects yet, the developers and I have been arduously working on it for hours on end and we finally got a satisfactory product and we hope you enjoy.
Game Note 2: Take a trip back to your elementary rooftop to rap against 3 familiar faces, Darnell, Pico, and Nene. The three of them rap against you in an attempt to regain power over Philly, but the outcome is up to you, the player. Dodge Pico’s bullets by pressing the bullet notes when they appear on your strumline. (Never before seen mechanic). Once you beat the song woohoo you beat it this is the news ever!
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Pico, Nene, and Darnell Mod Timestamp
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:11 Message/Context
00:33 Game Info
00:42 Week List | Song
00:45 Shootout Song
00:48 Pico Sings (1)
02:24 Nene Sings + Pico says I C U (1)
02:48 Darnell Sings (1)
03:12 Pico Sings (2)
03:36 Nene Sings (2)
03:42 Darnell Sings (2)
03:48 Nene Sings (3)
03:54 Darnell Sings (3)
04:00 Pico Sings (3)
04:15 Credits
04:23 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Pico, Nene, and Darnell FNF below
VS Darnell FULL WEEK (& Nene On speakers) Mod Download link:
waldo283 – Mod Creator:
WIZORD – Composer:
PIKOO – Sprite Animator and Artist:
PhantomArcade – Sprites/Artstyle:
Shadow Mario – Psych Engine:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:
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Friday Night Funkin’ – Pico’s School Edition Mod/Friday Night Shootin:
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Friday Night Funkin’ Corrupted Night FULL WEEK DEMO | VS Tankman:
Friday Night Funkin’ but Boyfriend Dies | Goodbye World + Cutscenes
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