Friday Night Funkin’ VS POU Remastered FULL WEEK + Secret Songs (FNF Mod/Hard) (Scary/Horror)
In the story mode, you get to battle a normal Pou, but if you decide to play the Freeplay songs then you’ll be greeted by the creepypasta Pou who is really scary. Mod from the Spanish community + latam. I played this last year but now they have new songs, remastered sprites, gameplay and etc. Also, this is POU remastered, not POU v2. And lastly, the Kill Pou Song isn’t copyrighted anymore. I talked to the person who was responsible for adding the stolen song to their system and I got them to remove it.
Vs Pou Remastered Download:
Kelly & Elie Download (The mod he promoted in cutscene):
Game Note: What’s new?
– All songs have been redone and recharted
– The visual section of the mod has been completely changed
– The mod has 7 songs and 4 more in extras! (Secret songs in freeplay)
– Hidden Easter eggs!
– New mechanics & Modcharts!
– Voiced dialogues, story, comics and cinematics!
– Code made from scratch in psych engine!
– Removed the GhostTapping
– English version & Versión en Español
Dev Note: This mod is based on the mobile game “Pou”, developed by Paul Salameh and distributed by Zakeh. All mod soundtracks were created from scratch in the music app: Fl Studio Mobile, taking as reference the original OST’s of the game
I’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all POU songs. Will Boyfriend & Girlfriend be able to get out of here alive or will bf and gf lose to the creepypasta Pou?
Pou is a pet app developed by Zakeh and released for Android and BlackBerry on the 5th of August in 2012 and later on iTunes on the 13th of March in 2014, it soon became viral w/ 100 Million Downloads Since 2019.
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ Vs POU Remastered Mod Timestamp:
00:00 New Animation & Songs Preview (ignore that blur at the first 10 seconds, ill remove it later)
00:43 POU Intro
00:50 Title Screen | Pou v2 does NOT exist, this is POU Remastered
01:01 Menu
01:06 Week List – My Alien Pet
01:09 FNF Animation
01:26 Dialogue/Cutscenes 1
02:35 Hoops Song
05:06 Dialogue/Cutscenes 2
05:31 Sky Hop Song (New)
07:36 FNF Animation 2
07:43 Dialogue/Cutscenes 3
08:03 Sky Jump Song (Remastered Sprites)
10:17 Dialogue/Cutscenes 4
10:54 What is their mod about?
11:18 They start to sing together (is what I meant to say)
11:33 Diagloue Continues
12:22 Food Drop Song (Remastered Sprites/new mechanic)
15:03 FNF Animation 3
15:18 Dialogue/Cutscenes 5 (Voice Acting)
16:05 Memory Song (Remastered Sprites/new mechanic)
18:22 FNF Animation 4
18:37 Dialogue/Cutscenes 6
19:20 Hill Drive Song (Car Pou vs Car BF) (Remastered Sprites/new mechanic)
22:10 FNF Animation 5
22:17 Dialogue/Cutscenes 7
22:56 Beach Volley (New)
24:43 Ending
24:55 Freeplay | Song List
25:07 Sergeant Pou Info
25:20 Poush-E Song (New)
27:30 Dialogue/Cutscenes 8
27:45 Crismaaa Song (New)
29:40 Scary Cutscenes
30:21 Abandonment Song (VS POU.EXE / Song Remake)
33:46 Morse Code, Ill try to decode once I figure it out
34:46 Dialogue/Cutscenes 9
35:03 My Old Self Song (New) (POU vs POU Remastered)
36:50 Kill POU (Remastered)
37:53 Credit
38:03 Old vs Remastered Comparison (Which is better?)
38:57 All Game Over Animations
40:30 What if you press pause and 7?
40:43 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Friday Night Funkin’ POU below
VS Friday Night Funkin’ Pou (+ Cutscenes) Mod Download link:
Leunam – Director, Musician, Coder, Artist, created of the original Vs Pou MOD:
SlumberDev – Pou sprites Artist:
Nightmare_Nugget – Pou.EXE Concept Artist:
Mele – Pixelart Artist:
ElizabethDraw – BG Artist:
JM_ART25 – Cutscenes Artist Helper:
HenryElVergas – BF Sprites:
Zona De Juegos – English Subtitles:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2023)
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