Friday Night Funkin’ VS Rare Wubbox | My Singing Monsters FULL WEEK (FNF MOD/Hard/Songs)
Rareblin – Musician:
In an alternate universe (My Singing Monsters) BF & GF are monsters and that version of BF decides to visit Rare Wubbox for a rap battle. My Singing Monsters music fits the FNF format, since rhythms are used repeatedly. This mod is such a great callback to people’s childhood.
There are 3 songs all made by rareblin. Maybe one day we’ll get to face Epic wubbox. Anyway, will Boyfriend and Girlfriend be able to beat Rare Wubbox or will Rare Wubbox come out on top?
1) FNF Vs Rare Wubbox | Monday Night Monsterin’ Mod Download:
2) bf has a trampoline Mod Download:
Game Note: Rap against the Rare Wubbox from My Singing Monsters in Three Songs
We’ll be playing My Singing Monsters songs on very hard, the mod has 3 songs and no cutscenes. Will BF & GF be able to survive this world. Let’s find out!
Mod Reference:
My Singing Monsters – Plant Island (Full Song) (3.3)
My Singing Monsters – Psychic Island (Full Song) (3.7.2)
My Singing Monsters – Wublin Island (Full Song) (Update 16)
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Rare Wubbox Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:08 Made by Rareblin
00:22 Title Screen
00:34 Week List
00:38 1) Growth Song (Plant Island)
00:46 Rare Wubbox + BF Sings Plant Island Bowgart (Remixed)
01:00 Bf + Rare Wubbox Sings Plant Island Mammott + Fwog
01:12 Wublin Island Wubbox
01:27 Plant Island Ghazt
01:41 BF + Rare Wubbox Sings Plant Island Ghazt
02:26 2) Psychedelic Song (Psychic Island)
02:29 Rare Wubbox + BF Sings Psychic Island Toe Jammer (Remixed)
03:29 Rare Wubbox + BF Sings Wublin Island Fleechwurm
04:46 3) Underling (Wublin Island)
04:48 Wublin Island Thwok (Basstrack)
05:09 Rare Wubbox + BF Sings Wublin Island Gheegur
05:16 Rare Wubbox + BF Sings Plant Island G’joob (Remixed)
05:29 Rare Wubbox + BF Sings Wublin Island Fleechwurm
05:44 Faint Wublin Island Pixolotl in Background, BF + Rare Wubbox Sings Wublin Island Pixolotl
05:59 Wublin Island Poewk + Screemu
06:19 BF Sings Wublin Island Poewk
06:26 Faint Wublin Island Pixolotl in Background
06:34 Rare Wubbox Sings Wublin Island Fleechwurm
06:48 BF Sings Wublin Island Fleechwurm
07:10 Credit
07:18 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS My Singing Monsters below
VS My Singing Monsters FULL WEEK (No Cutscenes) Mod Download link:
Rareblin – Musician and Charter:
ShimmyShoShammy – Artist:
Zial – Artist:
Bonk – Animator:
Timer of Popsicles – Background Artist:
Blake at Stake – Voice Actor:
Piggyfriend1792 – Coder:
Terrafin – Coder:
aflac – bf has a trampoline (3rd song):
Shadow Mario – Psych Engine Creator:
RiverOaken – Art for Psych Engine:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2022)
#FridayNightFunkin #MySingingMonsters #Wubbox #CommunityGame