Friday Night Funkin’ VS Speedrunner Mario FULL WEEK + Animated Cutscenes (Something about FNF Mod)
Game Note: An anomaly has been spotted in the Mushroom Kingdom. On vacation, Boyfriend, and Girlfriend attempt to visit their video game hero, only to find… something different. Little did they know what they were getting into.
Mario, also referred to as Speedrunner Mario or WAHOO or Mushroom, is the central “antagonist” of the Something About series, serving as the main protagonist of Season 1, the main “antagonist” of Season 2, and the central “antagonist” of Season 3. Mario is the older brother of Luigi, and opposes Bowser. Originally a force for good, Mario’s lust for speedrunning eventually consumed him. After sacrificing himself to defeat Dharkon, he was possessed by the TAS Speed Demon, who used his body to try to reach infinite speeds and manipulate reality.
VS Speedrunner Mario Mod Download link:
Will Boyfriend & Girlfriend manage to beat the world fastest speedrunner or will BF and GF get defeated?
Remember if Nintendo takes this down its canon. It’s what everyone always says a billion times.
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Speedrunner Mario Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation / Song Preview
00:15 Speedrunner Mario Intro
00:30 Week List
00:38 Animation 1
00:46 Personal Best Song
02:18 QPU Alignment Song
03:33 Speed Demon Song
05:39 Animation 2
05:52 Animation 3
06:00 Personal Best Parallel Song
07:50 QPU Parallel Song
10:02 Speed Demon Parallel Song
11:56 Animation 4
12:04 Freeplay – Song List
12:12 Mariovania Song
14:35 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Speedrunner Mario from TerminalMontage below
VS Speedrunner Mario FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
—- Director:
—- Music:
—- Charting:
—- Speedrunner Mario Sprites and Icons:
—- Red Background Art and GF Pipe Asset:
Juicey Fruitz:
—- Programming:
—- Youtube trailer and cutscene help:
—- Other Credits
Shigeru Miyamoto – Creator of Mario:
Nintendo – Owns Mario:
Shadow Mario – Engine developer:
RiverOaken – Arts and Animations:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #FNF #VsMario #SpeedrunnerMario #Creepypasta #Scary #FNFMOD #CommunityGame