Friday Night Funkin' VS Tails' Insanity FULL WEEK | Dr. Eggman (FNF Mod/Hard/Sonic) -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails’ Insanity FULL WEEK | Dr. Eggman (FNF Mod/Hard/Sonic)

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails’ Insanity FULL WEEK – Scary Eggman. This is Sonic AU where Eggman finally completes his goal by defeating everyone in the Greenhill zone except Tails was out.
lCheeseWithCake – Mod Creator:

In this AU, Eggman becomes an insane maniac whenever he gets a little angry, so the mobians had to be careful. Even though they tried their best, they made him angry. Dr. Eggman made his badniks kill the mobians, everyone except for Tails who was out to get something. After some time and trying to calm himself with a song, he couldn’t handle it. He became insane, so insane he has torn his eyes out. His misery continued until he died.

Sonic The Hedgehog is the protagonist of Sonic The Hedgehog. He is Doctor Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik’s archrival. He is Tails’ friend and Robotnik’s enemy, but also battled Metal Sonic in the past in Meet Metal Sonic. He appears regularly In Dorkly’s animations about his series.

VS Tails’ Insanity Mod Download:

Game Note: Sorry Tails

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails’ Insanity Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Lore
00:13 Insanity Song (Tails sings to himself)
01:38 Tails Went Insane
02:22 Game Over Animation
02:32 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Tails’ Insanity below:
Tails’ Insanity Full Week (+ Cutscenes) Download:

lCheeseWithCake – Almost Everything

Sega- Owns the og Sonic / Sonic the Hedgehog:

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2022)
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