Friday Night Funkin’ VS Yellow Impostor, Sheriff Showdown FULL WEEK 1 + Cutscenes (FNF Mod/Among US)
hypsal – Mod creator:
Sheriff Showdown Official Twitter:
Finally, we get to better a new imposter color other than the Red imposter, Green imposter, and Black imposter we usually rap against. This mod is not affiliated with the imposter v4 mod, it’s actually created by a different mod tram.
There is a reason why they’re calling it Sheriff Showdown V1, it is because they’re planning on adding more updates. I did see a few unused game over animations in the folder along with a new BF sprite so they could be added in the next update. This among us mod is actually pretty good, it is as awesome as the imposter restyle and Imposter v3.
For some reason, in the animation scene, you can see Boyfriend as his regular self, but he’ll turn back into a crewmate with his BF hat. I’m not sure why that is and Girlfriend is nowhere to be found unless GF is one of the crewmate members.
Sheriff Showdown V1 Mod Download:
Game Note: we’re planning on updating the mod soon so yea!
follow the Twitter for updates:
Friday Night Funkin’ Sheriff Showdown V1!
and etc
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Yellow Impostor Full Week 1 Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation Preview
00:08 Intro
00:16 Title Screen
00:24 New Menu
00:29 All Songs / Weeks
Yellow Impostor Week 1
00:33 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
00:54 Sussest Monger Song (Yellow Impostor vs BF)
03:03 Animation 1
03:41 Forged Gold Song (Yellow Impostor vs BF)
06:40 Cutscenes Dialogue 2
07:00 Stand Off Song (Yellow Impostor vs BF)
09:46 All Game Over Animations
10:06 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Sheriff Showdown below
VS Sheriff Showdown FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
hypsal – Creator:
Requiem – Musician:
Ironik – Musician (got assigned nothing sadly):
Pol4r_Chilly – Musician (got assigned nothing sadly):
triplemate – Artist/Animator:
StarDude – Artist/Animator:
Fem Mark – Artist/Animator:
laeko guy – Artist:
Yoshifan33 – Artist/Animator:
VinnyIsWeak – Spriter:
BoxxedBoi – Coder:
Corperator – Charter:
M.Zappe – Charter:
Leomming – Cutscene Animator and BG:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #FnF #VSImpostor #ImpostorV1 #Impostor #Amongus #CommunityGame