I Spoke with the CREATOR of Wednesday's Infidelity... "Oh, Shoot!" | FNF Mods (ft. Jhaix) - currygoatrevenge.com

I Spoke with the CREATOR of Wednesday’s Infidelity… “Oh, Shoot!” | FNF Mods (ft. Jhaix)

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D-Side OSWALD?! Leak ma Balls? PART 3!? In this powerful FNF Mod Interview, we talk with Jhaix, CREATOR of Wednesday’s Infidelity, and how leakers, challenges, & music fought the mod’s development into the masterpiece it is today! Spicy topics in this Friday Night Funkin’ mod include Cheddar & Julian, WALT DISNEY???… And a *very powerful* message at the end.

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0:00 – Jhaix Fires Into Battle! (+Mod Inspiration)
1:36 – Why Give Cheddar & Julian Full Weeks?
1:59 – Biggest Challenge + Development Time?
2:41 – D-SIDE OSWALD Inspiration THO!
3:30 – Wednesday Infidelity Collaborations?
3:50 – Why Make LEAK MA BALLS!?
4:19 – Thoughts on Adding Colors to W.I.?
4:35 – Slow Music vs. INTENSE Music?
5:26 – How the H*CK did you make Julian’s Vocals?
6:12 – Wednesday’s Infidelity Part 3??? 😮
6:41 – How’d WALT DISNEY React to the MOD?
7:00 – if you could say ANYTHING to the viewers…
7:59 – Follow Jhaix! He’ll add more color to your world 🙂

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That’s right folks, we have the amazingly talented and kind-hearted Jhaix on the show to talk about the tale of Wednesday’s Infidelity, and his team’s journey to success. Absolute bangers in this mod include Unknown Suffering from Mickey Mouse’s third phase, Untold Loneliness from D Side Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and Leak Ma Balls inspired by the dirty leakers that showcased the mod before its release.

We also discuss questions such as, why choose the day “Wednesday”? I also ask him if he thought about adding colors to the mod, and how he made vocals of Julian’s heavily distorted voice. Jhaix also talks about his interesting philosophy behind composing music, such as making slow vs. fast music. It’s honestly one of the most fascinating perspectives behind creating an FNF mod. And of course, Jhaix gives an incredibly important message at the end that made me tear up during the interview. Follow him on Twitter and YouTube to come along his amazing journey!



All elements of Wednesday’s Infidelity and Friday Night Funkin’ belong to their respective owners. Including songs, art, coding, etc. (Check Them Out!)

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