*NEW* Friday Night Funkin got a HUGE UPDATE!! Week End 1 and Erect Songs SOUNDS AMAZING!! - currygoatrevenge.com

*NEW* Friday Night Funkin got a HUGE UPDATE!! Week End 1 and Erect Songs SOUNDS AMAZING!!

Forever Nenaa
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Friday Night Funkin UPDATE

Uh oh! Your tryin to kiss ur hot girlfriend, but her MEAN and EVIL dad is trying to HURT you! He’s an ex-rockstar, the only way to get to his heart? The power of music…
💕Play the game here💕

00:00 Intro
00:52 Week 9 (Week End 1)
13:19 Bopeebo Erect
16:38 Fresh Erect
18:22 Dadbattle Erect
20:55 Spookeez Erect
23:47 South Erect
26:03 Pico Erect
28:41 Philly Nice Erect
30: 47 Blammed Erect
32:51 High Erect
35:08 Senpai Erect
37:15 Roses Erect
39:26 Thorn Erect

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