Unknown SUSffering 🎶 (FNF Unknown Suffering V3 but Gray and Pink Sing It) - currygoatrevenge.com

Unknown SUSffering 🎶 (FNF Unknown Suffering V3 but Gray and Pink Sing It)

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In this Friday Night Funkin video you’ll see Unknown Suffering V3 but Gray and Pink Impostor sing it.

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Mods used:
VS Impostor V4 –
Wednesday’s Infidelity Part 2 VS Mickey Mouse –
Unknown Suffering – Awe and Saster Remix –

Original song by @awe9037 @SasterSub0ru –

Support the developers of Friday Night Funkin’

Not FNF Unknown Suffering But Everyone Sings It, Unknown Suffering But Different Characters Sing It, or any other music video like that.
This is my Finale but it’s a Gray Crewmate VS Pink Impostor cover.

These covers were made with FL Studio.

#FNF #FridayNightFunkin #AmongUs #MickeyMouse


  1. Bro this cover is SO AMAZING I like that you used green but Switched the colours
    Good job man

  2. Ok to things I want to say.
    1" why or how is blue blinking in and out of existence?
    2: why is gray re-useing greens animations?

  3. Awesome cover Neonight 🎵🎵🎶🎶

  4. Bro all this time and this is all you have? Why have you not been uploading! I have been waiting forever for a good "but everyone sings it" cover. That's why I watch mainly Zynux. PLease U P L O A D!

  5. Epic cover Neo! Awesome work!

    “When Mickey is sus…”

  6. I like how you did greys sprite’s or was it from green? But still
    This is so amazing man!! Keep up the epic work

  7. Otro Gran cover Del grandioso Neonight

  8. red mungus argentino👻👻 pero alavez es Red says:

    bro what a blessing

  9. 😭 I'm so happy for neonight and everyone great for you and everyone

  10. esta good ese cover y ademas ese es mi song favorita de FNF Saludos Neonight

  11. so nobody’s gonna point how at the start blue was just phasing out of existence?

  12. WOW, este es el mejor cover del mod de impostor versión 4 que he escuchado 😎👍

  13. I get surprised that grey is a recolor of green in the start but it fits so well

  14. No es la naranja ni el limón es este canal q ya llega al millón

  15. grey calm down you will get your dad next round

  16. The pink is a crewmate even though she has such a sharp teeth

  17. ♡ 𝕀𝕥𝕫𝕄𝕒𝕩𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕃𝕆𝕃 ☆ says:

    Guys, what’s happening to blue y’all😂😂 00:03

  18. Finalmente una cancion original y bastante bien hecha

  19. I just can't help but notice the little additional spins related to the mod to add to the song being covered

  20. Bruh this is a good cover imposter member singing something like that

  21. El tripulante azul está haciendo teletransportación XD

  22. Yoooo! Nice work dude! This song matches both characters 🙂
    Make a Too Slow Rerun cover dude. A BETADCIU or just specific characters. Ik it'll sound good 🙂

  23. I just wanna throw out the fact that Gray is a pet and not a crewmate

  24. Yo escuchando el sonido de cuando hacen el meeting pero estan dormidos todos 💀

  25. Definitely not a recolored Green Impostor before Grey goes insane, also "Pretender" (and "Pinkwave")

  26. I realized something… pink sounds like shaggy

  27. Is Buckery Lagging? Lol

  28. Can you do double kill with white and maroon

  29. why blue amongus is invisible for 0,5 seconds

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