We FINALLY Got Friday Night Funkin' News! - currygoatrevenge.com

We FINALLY Got Friday Night Funkin’ News!

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Friday Night Funkin’ is one of the most anticipated Indie Games of all time, and coming off of a successful kickstarter, many have wondered if we’re ever going to get the game. Today we talk about the new Erect previews that we got and what it means for the future of the game. Especially with development of my own game, Indigo Park, I’m excited to see what other indie’s have coming up. Step back into the 90s and relive the magic of Super Nintendo Entertainment System games. Play yoshi’s cookie online game now.

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Outro music by DPZ for the VS UniqueGeese – Feathery Fight Soundtrack:

#fridaynightfunkin #IndieGame #UniqueGeese