You Can’t Run GHOSTLAB with LYRICS (Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Sonic.exe Spirits of Hell Take) -

You Can’t Run GHOSTLAB with LYRICS (Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Sonic.exe Spirits of Hell Take)

The Voice Guy
Views: 66327
Hello everyone! Voice here, it’s been a LONG time while we were making this so we really apologize!

I’ve been veryy demotivated the time before and I didn’t want to work on it. But! Now I do and BOOM! It’s done!

Thank you so much to the whole team of Vs Sonic.exe with lyrics and also can’t forget myself

​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ @GhostLab1321

I hope you enjoy the lyrical mix of your remix! We really enjoyed your music and we hope to see more!!

For now.. enjoy the video!

Fake Sonic VA:

Lyrics by @bluraydvd

Thumbnail by !

Panels by

Animations by

#sonicexefnf #sonicexefnf #fnf #fnfmods #fridaynightfunkin #lyrics